Before I photoshopped any of the photos, I used the same preset on Lightroom, which has a slight blue and pink filter, which gives the 'tumblr' effect. The last four photos, I just used a Lightroom pre-made preset (B&W Look 2). Hope you like them and a massive thank you to Emily who modelled <3
Fairy light Tumblr Shoot
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
This shoot was inspired by Brandon Woelfel. As I was using a 55mm lens which didn't have a low enough aperture, to create the bokeh effect, I photoshopped the surrounding area of all the fairy lights with a white, blurred brush (I also did this to the reflection in the glasses).
Before I photoshopped any of the photos, I used the same preset on Lightroom, which has a slight blue and pink filter, which gives the 'tumblr' effect. The last four photos, I just used a Lightroom pre-made preset (B&W Look 2). Hope you like them and a massive thank you to Emily who modelled <3
Before I photoshopped any of the photos, I used the same preset on Lightroom, which has a slight blue and pink filter, which gives the 'tumblr' effect. The last four photos, I just used a Lightroom pre-made preset (B&W Look 2). Hope you like them and a massive thank you to Emily who modelled <3