
Zombie Hand SFX Makeup

Monday, 6 February 2017

Materials used:
Red wool
Red thread
Liquid latex
Alcohol activated paints
99% alcohol
Scab blood
Fake blood

Minimal fx skills needed, only took around 25 minutes, start to finish.
  • The deepest parts should always be the darkest and the highest parts should be the lightest.
  • Scatter the blood and paint (mostly browns, purples and greens) around the wound, as well as on the wound.
  • Pick an area for the wound to focus on (for example, I chose the right, lower part of my hand).
  • Have the wool going mostly in one direction and the thread randomly.
  • Use a sponge with holes pick outed of it to create more of a natural effect when painting.
Inspiration from: Pinterest
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