
Abstract Speed Painting

Friday, 25 November 2016

-White canvas
-Black and white paint
-Silver pen
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Random Photos #3

Sunday, 20 November 2016

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Galaxy time-lapse painting

Friday, 4 November 2016

-White Canvas
-Black, white and blue acrylic paint
-Black pen

Fx Exposed Spine Tutorial (basic materials)

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Watch the full tutorial above ^^^
You will need:
-Liquid Latex (or an alternative if you or your model is allergic)
-Foundation (matching your model's skin colour)
-Scab blood (mine is from Ben Nye)
-Fake blood (which can be made or bought from a party store)
-Cotton balls
-1 ply tissue (make sure the edges aren't straight to blend into the skin more)
-Alcohol activated paints (alternatives are face paint or cream paints)

Fanks Bob
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Welcome to Brolly Weather!

Monday, 12 September 2016

Back in June I opened up an Etsy store called Brolly Weather (well it was Lizzielawrence1998 at the time). Realized I have dedicated a post for it so here it is! Better late than never.
Here's a few photos of the bits I'm selling and a link to the actual page, enjoy :)
Personalized acceptance letters
Plastic geometrical pins
Galaxy night sky paintings
Galaxy canvases
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Split knee fx makeup (FAKE GORE)

Sunday, 14 August 2016

(linked to where I bought them)

Cotton wool balls and toilet paper (1 ply)
Fake blood

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AS Photography Sketchbooks (Grade B)

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Lavender fields

Saturday, 13 August 2016

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How I made a fake leg

Friday, 5 August 2016

Step one:
Wrap fabric (I used cotton) around the model's leg, and secure with masking tape.

Step two:
Cut through the fabric all the way up the model's leg.

Step three:
Use more tape to hold the leg together. Then fill will scrunched up paper, make sure the leg is completely solid (so the shape will hold). Create a heel at the bottom of the leg by added on more and more paper. You do not need to create a whole foot, just a heel so the shoe wont fall off.

Step four:
Use tissue paper and glue to create texture around the top of the leg.

Step five:
Paint the leg with skin tones, add small strokes for hairs, and red for the blood.

Final step:
When dry, add a sock and a shoe.

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Infected arm fx makeup

Made from:
-Cotton wool balls
-Alcohol activated paints
-Scab blood

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The sky

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Unedited sky photos from over the last few weeks

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